Providing Equal Access to Justice
As an impact-oriented social enterprise, our mission is to bridge the gap between legal needs and legal access with affordable, high quality legal services.
Bridge to Justice is a 501(c)(3) Colorado nonprofit organization that provides civil legal services to low- and moderate-income Coloradans who do not qualify for free legal aid. We deliver customized legal advice and services at significantly reduced rates. Click here for more information.
September 1, 2023
Meet Rachel Dane (and Bruce Wiener)
We were lucky to catch up with Rachel Dane (and Bruce Wiener) recently and have shared our conversation.
August 4, 2023
Bridge to Justice now offers pro bono services to qualifying persons seeking Extreme Risk Protection Orders ("ERPOs") in Colorado under our Pathways From Violence Initiative. When someone poses a significant risk of harming themselves or others, an Extreme Risk Protection Order removes their access to firearms for up to one year. Since inception of the Pathways From Violence Initiative, Bridge to Justice has provided free legal consultations for several community members experiencing risk associated with firearm violence, analyzed all ERPO cases filed in Boulder County, spread awareness of the ERPO process through individualized emails to 108 individual stakeholders in our community, conducted detailed training on ERPOs for 32 individuals in our community, and met with 29 additional community partners build collaboration around preventing firearm violence in Colorado. The following article explains more about these laws enacted to prevent gun violence in Colorado.
Colorado's gun violence prevention office touts progress months after critical review from lawmakers
KUNC | By Scott Franz
Published August 1, 2023 at 6:00 AM MDT

March 10, 2022
In first year, Boulder’s Eviction Prevention and Rental Assistance Services program finds success
By Deborah Swearingen Boulder Daily Camera

Jay Allen, center, program coordinator for Boulder's Eviction Prevention and Rental Assistance Services program, and Bridge to Justice contract attorneys Thom Ward, left, and Elise Aiken are some of the people working to assist tenants through Boulder's new eviction prevention program, which as been successful in preventing evictions in its first year.
August 4, 2023
In May 2023, staff attorney Molly Jickling was personally invited to join a new sub-committee to the Colorado Supreme Court Standing Committee on Family Issues. This sub-committee was formed to explore the possibility of developing a set of domestic relations-specific rules in Colorado and how such rules could improve the practice of domestic relations law in Colorado. Molly’s participation will help ensure that Access to Justice voices are present in these important conversations, which could have lasting impacts on domestic relations practice and the families we serve.
January 12, 2022
Bridge to Justice has been selected as one of four finalists for the 2022 American BarA ssociation Louis M. Brown Award for Legal Access. This prestigious award acknowledges the commitments made to improve the delivery of affordable legal services to those in need. The winner will be announced on January 21. If selected, our Executive Director will be invited to attend the ABA Mid-Year Meeting in Seattle
in February.
Bridge to Justice is also in the running for the Brown Select Award, which is chosen by online votes from the public.
Please visit
to cast your vote for Bridge to Justice. The voting deadline is noon CST on January 21 so please cast your vote today and encourage your colleagues, friends, and family to
vote for Bridge to Justice!
January 25, 2021
Bridge to Justice, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit legal services organization committed to providing equal access to justice, has received a grant from the City of Boulder to advise and represent City of Boulder residents facing eviction. The grant arose from the city’s No Evictions Without Representation ballot item. This item, approved by voters in November 2020, provides legal representation to people facing eviction.
The grant will enable Bridge to Justice attorneys to attend eviction return hearings in Boulder and advise tenants regarding defenses and negotiation strategies. Tenants are advised to contact Bridge to Justice prior to the eviction return hearing to allow for possible representation and negotiation.
City of Boulder residents facing eviction should call Bridge to Justice at (303) 443-1038, x104 or the City of Boulder at (303) 441-3414.
May 4, 2020
#GivingTuesday is a new global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.
Bridge to Justice, like many other frontline nonprofit organizations, has experienced a decline in revenue during this crisis. Our clients – all of whom are low- and moderate-income – have had to forgo much-needed legal services in order to pay their mortgage, rent, food and other basic necessities for themselves and their families.
Please support Bridge to Justice and the communities we serve throughout Boulder County and the Denver metro area by making your tax deductible donation today. We hope you and your families are staying well during this challenging time.